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Chọọ Ugbu a


Ụdị mmekọrịta




Nchọpụta echekwara

serrBess3, , China
Abụ m: Nwoke
Afọ: 34 | Lelee biorythm
Ebe: China
Ọrụ Ikpeazụ: 13-08-21 | Lee blog
Ihe serrBess3
Ego: -
Okpukpe: -
Ọnọdụ: -
Ụmụaka: -
Ịṅụ sịga: -
Mmanya: -
Ọrụ: -
Mmụta: -
Elu: -
Ibu ibu: -
Ụdị ahụ: -
Ụcha agba: -
Anya ihu: -

Ozi ndị ọzọ
Agbụrụ: -
Ụbọchị mbụ: -
Biri ebe: -
Ibi na ya: -
Ọdịdị: -
Oge afọ: -
Ogologo okwukwe: -
Ịkwụ ụgwọ àgwà: -
Igwe ọchị: -