GRC Floor is a kind of concrete panel made of Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete. G.R.C. (Glass fiber Reinforced Concrete) is a cement-rich micro-concrete cementitious material to which AR fiberglass (on the order of 5% evenly distributed in the handle and resistant to alkali cement) is simultaneously incorporated by spraying. Micro concrete gives it its physical qualities such as its ease of being molded and the fibers its pseudo-ductile mechanical behavior. It can thus be used in thinner thicknesses creating lighter products. Raised Floor forms a complete bond with concrete sub and other floors is the ideal material from which to manufacture raised floor panels. Huiya GRC floor ( uses high-quality cement and gypsum powder as main raw materials, combined with reinforcing fiber, not only keep the raw material itself superior resistance to fire, heat and various weather extremes.
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