Animal Crossing: New Horizons is not entirely harmonious and beautiful content. Since the launch of the game, the popular Switch game has a booming villager trading market. Players have been trying to sell or buy the more popular villagers in the series at the price of in-game currency, and sometimes even real currency.
In the current trading market, Ozzie, Dom, Audie, and Raymond are loved by players. While searching for eBay, we found someone selling what looks like Raymond for £35. Other sites, including Nookazon and NookMarket, have also appeared, and they are dedicated to selling animal crossing items for sale with bells (currency in the game). It is unclear whether this is something Nintendo wants to stop. But at present, it can be determined that a large number of players need to exist in the trading market because not every player can spend all their time in the game. By Buy Nook Miles Tickets on a website like, it is very economical and helps the player Save a lot of time.
A Nintendo spokesperson revealed that they understand the villagers’ trading market and also understand the village’s trading needs. The spokesman said: "From today, we will begin to deal with animal crossing real money transactions (RMT). The spokesman accused the sale of villagers and items appearing in the game to make money and pointed out that these actions actually violated Nintendo’s terms and conditions.
According to News, players who continue to try to sell villagers and items for real money will be punished. In one case, someone tried to sell the popular sheep villager Tang. In Japan, Dom sells for about 5,000 yen (about 37 pounds). But Buy Animal Crossing Bells in the regular ACBellsBuy store, you will not have to worry about being banned, we will provide you with the most affordable price and the safest service.
- Juni 15 2020 katika 23:15