How do you make the most of what and the system would the player get out of it?
To use the system that is brand new, you will want the money - Silver Coin. The enemies murdered drop this one - that the opportunity is small, but always large enough for the player to get enough of it all of the time.
You need to go to the independent type, As soon as you get the silver coins. You can find her you can invite her to your hideout. Interact and select View Your Prophecies.
This will start the prophecy window, divided into several sections. Here you may find homes that are empty for prophecies. Pressing the Search button in the bottom of the display will show one prophecy that will show up in the area of the vacant nest. Prophecies are random, and unlocking each costs 1 Silver Coin.
Next to every discovered is the Seal button. Clicking on it will cause the prophecy reach the player and to be sealed. The sealed prophecy could be reactivated by clicking on it using the ideal mouse button to complete it later. You can also use it to exchange with others.
To get information about a prophecy, simply hover over it. Details of its fulfillment will be displayed - the removal of a particular enemy, the usage of a particular thing for this purpose, or the selling of 5 special items to any buyer to have a new random special.
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- Απρίλιος 14 2020 στο 23:48