"Classic represents an era classic wow gold filled with rough advantages and inconveniences and you will find things which were smoothed out over time," Hazzikostas states. "But there's a certain charm to a few of those rough edges.
They have upsides that are apparent. The lengthy travel time, the simple fact that it may take you 30 minutes to get from Thunderbluff over to Silverpine as a tauren shaman wanting to receive their own water totem is offset from the fact that it encouraged one to rely on mages or warlocks for easier transportation. The simple fact that your pet could run away and leave you forever if you didn't feed them enough was offset with a higher sense of connection with the pet""It needs to be approved, which frees everybody to find all the positive factors, all the upsides of the friction and these inconveniences because there's a definite acceptance of the downsides."
Though time will ultimately tellthe first stage of Classic's post-launch updates has demonstrated that players are more than prepared to reside with almost any rough edges. It begs the question of exactly what, if any, aspects of Classic may find their way back to the next growth of Warcraft and beyond.
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- Februari 22 2020 di 21:22