Now that World of Warcraft Classic is released, the big news is exactly what upgrades players and features can look forward to over the months and years to come.
Phase 2 is rolling out on November 12 and includes world bosses like Kazzak and Azuregos, in addition to PvP benefits and PvP Honor system. Layering, which arbitrarily divides players up between instances of a zone is almost completely disabled on all servers. After server populations have obviously stabilized a little more, layering will be turned off completely and Stage 2 will be that much closer to launch.
In addition to all of that, we spoke with sport director Ion Hazzikostas about Classic's launching and future. Rather, Blizzard will release new upgrades when it feels the community is ready based on information gathered on how many players have completed whatever the latest endgame action is.
"We want to make sure that we're not rushing players through content and not obsoleting stuff before it's a chance to breathe," Hazzikostas said. "If we're rushing players onto Ahn'Qiraj when most of them just have three or four pieces of the tier-2 sets from Blackwing Lair, that's kind of cutting on the content brief. We would like to prevent that.
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- EyoMqungu 21 2020 e 22:41