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Path of Exile 2: Everything You Want to Know

When it comes to hack-n-slash cooperative games, there is one that is much higher than the competition, and this is the Path of Exile. Grinding Gear Games has successfully created a huge world of free games with loyal supporters and stable update traffic, and will not slow down anytime soon. This game hasn't stayed that way for a long time since Path of Exile 2 came out, it has brought a lot of new content and changed the mechanism we know today. Let's review what we know about the sequel so far along with professional POE Currency trader poecurrency.com.

If the sequel does not contain new content for the story, the sequel will not be full, and Grinding Gear Games has prepared many sequels. According to the initial announcement, Path of Exile 2 will include a brand new campaign that will be run alongside the existing campaign. We will see a new cinema in the first POE 2 trailer and new exploration area. Of course, this will bring new enemies.

Path of Exile 2 will release new enemies to deal with, from slaves with one strike to stubborn bosses. In their game demo, GGG acknowledged that some of their oldest bosses felt outdated, so they tried to give some new low-end bosses more skills to make them more advanced. This will bring another challenge to players, and there are more creepy characters, and we will definitely have nightmares. We have already seen two of these bosses in the demo, and the battle is indeed more advanced than what we are now experiencing in the campaign.

Building on the original currency system of the Path of Exile, Path of Exile 2 introduces new types of gems, such as meta gems, which allow you to equip auras and activate them immediately. This is an extension of the gem implementation system that GGG plans for the sequel. With it, each gem can now do more, providing a safe place for all supporting gems.

Currently, there is no set release window for Path of Exile 2. GrindingGear Games is expected to release its first version in 2021 and a playable beta version later this year. The studio promised to provide more information about the project at E3 2020. poecurrency.com is a professional currency trader on the Path of Exile. Players can Buy POE Currency, POE Orbs in our store. At the same time, we also provide the latest information and extensions of the Path of Exile.

  • Janúar 19 2020 á 22:35

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