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I have a lot of fun role-playing my character

The perfect thing is to simply say"no" into itemrecovery tickets and then automate the ticketsystem in a way that those ticketss just get deleted immediately. You gave the person the loot? Too fucking bad. I will try classic with this change for certain. However, if I see this shitty system is abused by ppl by rolling for their buddys I would only conduct lootmaster instances. But I wouldnt join different lootmaster cases. Its a bad idea. If it wont work out well this could make the ppl quit playing it at all since you've got the chance they completely ruin the pleasure in random instances.

Vanilla was great because of WoW Classic was made, not because of bugs, or graphics or interfaces. I believe that Blizzard needs to update and repair the mistakes that vanilla used to possess but keep what created vanilla so good which is the difficulty, the very fact that you will need to socialize with different people and other amazing things which are completely unreleated with graphics or bugs. Some individuals are indeed wearing nostalgia googles and think that just by adjusting some bug the vanilla encounter will be ruined.I don't mind the changes you listed. I'd alter WoW Classic a little more too. Like NOT pushing classes to the healer role. I began playing with vanilla WoW Classic straight out of FF11. It had been recommended to me to play with a druid since I played with a Red Mage.

The problem is that simply because something ends up a way in Classic doesn't indicate it was the way in Vanilla. We know that Blizzard will be altering certain things like Loot trading, Sharding, graphics, etc.. And according to what they've said about only having limited resources and information from back then, I wouldn't be surprised if they would need to end up guessing on a couple of things as well.Also we all know private servers needed to do the very best with what they had, and they did a pretty awesome job with that. But lots of these items weren't totally wrong like he stated, they're inaccurate yes, and at times missing, but to state that something is totally wrong I think is a bit much. And with a number of these difficulties, other personal servers have gotten since Nost.

I have a lot of fun role-playing my character on a PvP server, and adding someone I shouldn't have the ability to speak the same language as (and also hate. Filthy alliance scum) it rather detracts the out of the encounter. I'm prolly the only weirdo who performs with vanilla WoW Classic, building a buncha friends that I don't need to associate with my irl character with. It's not possible to prevent something like this so I can't really complain too much, however I shall miss this aspect from enjoying personal servers.

Check out https://www.mywowgold.com/Wow-classic-Gold.html for more details.

  • Octobre 14 2019 à 21:41

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