Sit-Stand Adjustable office tables are becoming more and more popular throughout the workplace due to their advantages and benefits. The advantages of an adjustable Adjustable Height Desk are likely to be noticed immediately; the height of these active office desks can be varied allowing the user to switch from sitting to standing with ease. here are benefits of standing at work.
Reducing Sitting
People who received height-adjustable desks reported a 17 percent reduction in sitting three months into the study, a trend that remained at the one year mark.
Feeling Better
People (47%) with height-adjustable desks reported a significant reduction in upper back, shoulder or neck discomfort.
Easy to Use
People (88%) with height-adjustable desks reported they were convenient to use after 12 months.
Increasing Productivity
People (65%) with height-adjustable desks reported increased productivity after one year and also reported better concentration ability. In addition, they said they were more active, refreshed, awake, limber and energetic
Improvements Outside of Work
People (65%) said height-adjustable desks positively impacted their health outside of the workplace.
If you’d like to know more about the benefits of adjustable standing desks, electric standing desks or other workplace solutions, get in touch with the team at Adjustable Desk Manufacturers contuodesk or visit our site:
- شهر فبراير 20 2021 في 02:23