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what you guys think about Torchlight Frontiers

Boy, that has not happened in quite a long time. I meanI used to go on those kinds of tangents all the time back in the day but...I.. . I dun. At some point, I just lost the fire. I stopped and...I'll probably cut that rant until I send this in. Better get back to normal and check my beer refrigerator! Whelp! I spose' its. . .Let me know what you guys think about Torchlight Frontiers from the comments below. It might be little and big enough to feel MMOish and simple enough to fit to the ever evaporating schedule of an older gamer that wants the rest of the planet was in the now rather than Ultima Online circa 1997. To the bone !

In 1 interview the devs stated 14 players a open world example, in a different 8, the reality is that their cases can handle quite a lot of people but it becomes cluttered when there are too many of these so the amount of players each instance is limited to below what is possible from a technical side. The servers are hosted on cloud.

In terms of number of character classes. Based on discord conversations there are going to be pushed into the public alpha. There are other systems coming as well, one of them being rumored to be a system for those pets but most of them are kept under lid.
more in: https://www.mmoexp.com/Torchlight-frontiers/Gold.html

  • Július 9 2019 nál nél 02:30

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