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If I really got overcome by the buy Madden 21 coins

The games just scripted. And that's what makes me mad. If I really got overcome by the buy Madden 21 coins cpu I wouldn't be mad. But you get overcome by scripts and pre determined plays I can't tell you how often I've had similar occur. I used to play more legit HB where I was not the complete time starter and I would have it where your down 2 or 3 and you would literally direct a push down field and enter the red zone with ample time plus two or three timeouts and it requires you out the match and your team runs out the clock without even attempting a field goal costing you a winnable match.

There is so many glitches in this game that have been in the past 3 matches it is so frustrating. The worst one is when your livelihood player will get simulated touches where it will not allow you to play when your guys on the field.

That glitch has existed since madden 17 discovered a way to get the ball back 40% of the time or even better on kickoffs at Madden 21.

I blatantly kick it brief, usually received on around the 18, switch players instantly, happens to be my fb on kick coverage group, run him out in a broad arc to the left, missing all of the blockers, return after the blockers, then struck on the hit stick right as I get to the returner, if I've missed all of the blockers and get him, he'll fumble every time and my policy team will recover it round the 30 yard line.

I discovered it by accident. I've really only ever used it blatantly in such as week 17 if I've got offensive players near statistical leads or breaking documents
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  • अक्टूबर 31 2020 पर 03:13

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