I have played both cheap wow classic gold and Destiny (2 games affected by Acti.) I will tell you what. . NOTHING CHANGED.IMO Blizzard has gotten lazy with or without Activision. I believe blizz simply felt too strong regardless of activision and believe people will play the game no matter.It's easy to blame Activision though. You never wanna blame for the company who had a big part on your childhood (Halo for Bungie and Warcraft/Starcraft/diablo to get Blizzard) but acti. Still has good games that people love.
I don't know whether I'd point to any one important"item", although clearly the Activision mix is one of the largest ones. But I think you're correct in they became complacent and forgot what made them so popular to begin with. Look at Diablo 3's launch, the lead guy working on it had open disdain for its prior manager, there was this arrogant feeling to the total layout and release that everyone would play with it just depending on the title.It's a pity, but it's the nature of the matches business also. Businesses come and go for all sorts of reasons.
Blizzard will either sort itself out or fade away.If there's something that's been consistent regarding wow kinds from 2004 to today is nonstop complaining and raging.The 2 things I hated about WOTLK was that the return of Naxx along with the Argent tourney. Paying for rehashed content felt pretty fucking bad. Especially since it was the very first raid after dropping cash for the Xpac. Along with also the argent tourney had the absolutely worst dailies ever and a"raid" that you just sat in 1 shitty looking dirt floored room for 90% of it.
Before slipping into a pit and fighting a (edit) rehashed lvl 74 dungeon boss ...I believe having Naxx was fine. But it being the first thing you run into was only rather meh timing. But anyway they made up for it with Ulduar.
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- Tháng 10 8 2020 tại 22:30