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Unlucky because now anybody can shoot with their hot fix

Unlucky because now anybody can shoot with their hot fix. Friend of mine yesterday with his 6'6 PG Red/Green pie: unable to strike his broad open 3s, could hit on his mid if he is really wide open but difficult to strike semi contested mid.Today after the hot fix in park: 3/3 on the 3pt line, only one of them was a green (unable to green yesterday and he took like 5 or 6 3pts in a row on 2v2), could hit contested mid like it's nothing

And there's no changes between yesterday and today in regards to stats or badges, all would be the same.Yeah. That's going to be the issue. Assuming we receive the MyPlayer builder tomorrow (they just said demo never confirmed precisely what it was going to be) that's going to the very first thing I'm going to be anxious to test out.

They have 95s out the gate and it's fucking awful dude. And what good is content if the game plays like buttocks, which it really does. I already pulled the 95 Bob Lanier and shit isn't good at all.If that's your thing, and you like electricity creep like this, then sure. I, however, can not mess with myteam since they do things such as fall 95s week galaxy and one opals by week .

We have a good amount of legends, with more coming tomorrow. Supserstars has been disappointing but there is a chance we get house rules to get a free one, and kickoff voucher ought to be good this year.Heat check cards aren't valuable at all, and madden has powerups for every elite in the game, and more in depth team building and strategy, in addition to 2k always having the most poisonous online metà of all sports games.

More NBA2K products information on https://www.nba2king.com/Nba-2k21-Mt.html

  • Септември 15 2020 во 23:45

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