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Amabhulogi :: 2400 Okuthunyelwe

I played a guy last weekend league

Yesterday evening I dropped into a man who had an crime dedicated to triple RPOs and lateral hefty runs along with my defense left 11 pairs of ankles on the area because this guy had an RPO for every single defense I threw it at him. It was fucking amazing! I got absolutely ruined. I genuinely liked the pounding because I had been so curious about how best to prevent it and that I loved running into a new offense that is not just three plays. It had been after this game. I just fucking hate losing to the exact same HB stretch QB burst WR Wildcat offense I know is coming over and over.

And I will lose many of these games no matter getting three enforcers and a extremely run stop heavy defense that never leaves 3-4 off or 3-4 bear. The beginning of the year is indeed enjoyable, everyone has dogshit teams and has no clue what to do and its a race to acquire decent players and test different plays/playbooks/schemes etc.. Everyone is running different fashion teams and schemes and every game feels like a new adventure. Even solos are not lame since the game is fresh and new.

This shit is wack now. 100% of teams have three enforcers which are essentially individual minefields you have to avoid for dear life and I dont blame them, I do too cause if you dont you'll get your a$hole hb stretched in to oblivion.

Dude you put my feelings. No I am not the best Madden player in the world, and like you I'm really okay losing. And if you are lucky enough to stop these men throw selections every toss. I don't hate losing, it is just once you lose from pure exploits. Everyone's response is: well just get it back... but that's not enjoyable. I won't do it. I will confess and respect a reduction to a fantastic opponent who outplays me to the win, not someone who has one play and is like"alright if he can stop this one play, I will run a different unstoppable play over and again until he could stop it, and then another one" Like bro how is this even fun that you enjoy not even have a strategy for or authentic challenge for yourself.

I played a guy last weekend league; legit conducted jet sweep every single play. Regardless of my strategy I could not stop it. He could take it every time if I really contained the outside. He had legit a 1000 + team. I found him here since he had the same id, and remarked about I am glad you invested so much upgrading your team simply to exploit the game and use one play. He tried calling me out saying I"ran cheese run and pass plays the he could not cease" and I was like. You mean that I mixed up pass and my run expecting what you might think I'm going to run. Like an true SHEME? He said"you are shit for not having the ability to stop my drama". Those are the games which make this unplayable.

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  • Septemba 13 2020 ku 23:42

Amabhulogi amasha

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