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RS3 seasonal events are a joke

They're the same structure over and over and revolve around ONE single item: XP (and garbage makeup, and trying to encourage people to buy MTXs to maximise what the xp they get from the event) the entire point of seasonal events is only to bypass actually playing the game and grinding and only getting xp from clicking on something. All of rs3 boils down to just xp. It's roughly as two-dimensional as a game can be, there is nothing interesting or fun about it. Osrs really frequently adds fun content chosen by players. I recall when the Arc came out on rs3, I was super excited about it until I discovered it was only a graphically impressive new area with more things to click on for xp. and uncharted isles was a disappointment.

I sincerely hope you're joking Beach cosmetics are nearly as bad as Valentine's Day cosmetics. I'm pretty sure you're joking but I still felt like ranting about it. I am not, I hope your joing by writing a paragraph rant about cosmetics to me. So what if its a mideavle game? Its'medieval dream', the ship for 100 percent being left decades back.

That was not intended gameplay so rc got the runespan. Everybody trains building using proteans, and then they release this? Construction is yelling for a rework and instead they make it even more obsolete. I think that the sport is actually showing its age. So many skills and regions and the player models require re-working. But they're all such big projects which don't offer enough benefit to Jagex. It stops the bleeding of the player base but does not attract new players like new content does.

Just as the best updates for me in a while have been mining and smithing rework and the lender rework, I don't understand if Jagex consider them a victory due to developer time. This upgrade feels just like a band-aid on a collapsing dam. It sucks because they believe they are making good choices and what the gamers want and in reality they are just forcing more current players off and new players aren't even interested.

It is a completely different reality in OSRS. OSRS player . Came to get Waiko, stayed for Elite Dungeons after finding what they had been during a certain Waiko-related pursuit. Publish the next region of the oriental lands using a new ED Trilogy. PoH's are sadly completely useless. Building training and butlers, the last remaining'material' for them in RS3 have been left dead using this upgrade.

By way of example, all PvM Hub (War's Retreat) content could have been added into the skill, such as teleports and so forth, just as it's in OSRS. Your PoH would've been your base for all combat.

There is a very cheap RuneScape gold at https://www.rsgoldfast.com

  • Септември 10 2020 во 03:53

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