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Blogs :: 2399 Indlæg

They're a for profit business with a positive message

They're a for profit business with a positive message. They've chosen a side of the fence while also advertisements rather than sitting quietly. So what if it's all for their bottom line? You can be profiting and sending messages that are positive. There is more than 1 way to give a shit about people. Because that's why they got so big every large business will have faults. I commend EA for picking the side if it does come across as advertising.

I mean I thought there were pretty strict regulations whose titles and likeliness can be utilized in Madden. Like Belicheck and Payton aren't in Madden because they aren't part of the NFLCA and that's who EA has a contract with. They might have to pay Kap if his name are currently avoiding that and is used. That and Kap is not exactly welcome from the NFL planet (not talking about lovers ) anymore.They backpeddled and apologized when they had been called out. They don't have rights to Kap's likeness at Madden NFL 21 however they could mention him in the tune (just as they have with plenty of additional public characters in other tunes ). The fact that they did this two years in a row indicates it wasn't an oversight but a choice to collaborate inside the NFL using a racist act of collusion.Man I just got to thinking of the tiny items too. Remember the announcers would say the title rather than welcome to your own stadium and when you could sell the naming rights. (Lazy asses) then the firm that paid for the rights had achievements attached to it. For instance ill cover $10 million per year but you have ta reach the superbowl. Training camp where you can put a participant through and try to get 7 feature points (if you got gold) which you get to pick where they move. Not this crap you receive consciousness and centre accuracy and where you upgrade arm. No madden I would like to improve his arm strength not make him more aware he's got a crap arm.

I'm in the minority but I enjoy the entire archetype upgrade system. When you could pick and choose what things to upgrade, at least in online franchises, guys would have the ability to turn players into the most cheesy players. This kinda compels your players to be balanced athletes overall and you can't just max out the same 4 stats and also make your player a total cheeseball.I'm with you. I honestly think it's a little more realistic also. You do not always know which sort of player somebody will become. This adds a bit of chance. Perhaps you've got a talented player but he's not a strategy fit. Can you place points at the arch type to make him a scheme match or basically have him play out of place but because he's talented it is okay? I enjoy the arch kinds. I'd like to see custom schemes though (choosing what arch types proceed at every position as opposed to the preset ones).

You know what? That is fair. Maybe that means there was so much added that it will require its entire forum? Or maybe that means they could not use half of their developments up in the show and inserted like two things? The latter but we will see! More like that they took away two features so we will play more MUT.

More Mut 21 coins on https://www.mmoexp.com/Nfl-21/Coins.html

  • august 1 2020 på 21:18

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