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If you are standing in the Animal Crossing New Horizons Items

"If you are standing in the Animal Crossing New Horizons Items of a space and everything is against the wall, you kind of feel as if you're surveying everything about you," Diana says. "But if you bump things out and can make a space within a space, it cocoons you and makes you feel just a tiny bit more comfy." So try floating out furniture of the wall -- whether that means placing a sofa in the middle of the floor, or angling a display perpendicular to the wall. Bumping furniture out just like this can help with our next suggestion.

Zones are small vignettes of furniture that help break up the space in your room. Even once you max out your New Horizons home and get multiple rooms, this remains a helpful way to make the space feel cozy rather than cramped.

It is a philosophy that you might be familiar with if you have ever needed to decorate a studio apartment. "I think that the way our brains work, we sort of need a place to rest, we need a place to work, we are in need of a place to socialize," Diana says. "And we've got one space. The challenge is figuring out ways to make these little zones" Using Diana's information about bumping furniture out from the walls can make zones stronger. To use the sofa as an example again, floating the couch away from the wall makes it clearer in which the room zone starts and ends.

Carpets are just another method to define zones in your house. "The TLDR version is that I believe people often have carpets which are way too small for their spaces," Diana says. A fast-and-loose rule of carpet pruning is the fact that it must cover the entire zone you are furnishing. That's why if I have a room that is little, a small rug is not the ideal alternative.

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  • Юли 24 2020 при 22:21

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