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I have been hoping for ages. Ea Gameplay is trash

I hope they are balanced in 21. Some abilities were OP. Pash Rush Elite and Escape Artist were game breaking. I believe a great deal of the skills made some evaluations and traits completely irrelevant. I believe that any abilities that impact speed or agility ought to be scrapped. Possibly other stuff which should be ascertained trait or with an already existing rating...like jukebox and pass rush abilities. The only downside to that would be that you are pretty much left with QB skills. I could be incorrect about that earning Madden NFL better.EA is the company that is very sh*t. Nothing but money grabbers who do not give 2 about their fan base. I swear they wake up every morning and think"What BS can we overhype today to make money?" To get 2 draft packs for being tier is BS. And above all else you release special challenges to play throughout the draft where you can get 86-98 draft Madden NFL player and that I pull 4 directly 86s?! Absolutely devastating. Don't get me started online gameplay. Am I likely to play with madden again? Absolutely. Can I fall for gameplay and EAs money grabbing schemes? Absolutely. Can I be really a clown for ranting but giving EA what they need? Absolutely.

Trust me, you do not want 2k to a football match with the rights. The servers are horrible. Every game you get kicked from my team and find a loss. It worse. 2k was poor, it was the reason I switched to madden. And contracts. And they're possibly even more cash hungry than EA. 40k VC for a sweatshirt? Really? We shit on EA a lot but let me tell you I have EA compared to 2k.

The thing is, cosmetic shit is sold by 2K. Only playing career mode will get you more than enough coins to remain boosted, although they have boosts you can purchase. Additionally, while they have a coin system to level up, you need to grind to unlock the update slots so that you can not simply purchase your way to dominance once you get past the first few updates. About the only advantage cash gives is if you preorder and get you can immediately update your Madden NFL player to ~80 something. But beyond that you need to play to get better.

I have been hoping for ages. Ea Gameplay is trash. People attempt comparing their nba match. When was last time a soccer match was left by them? Folks rave about it and that one is old now? Provide a game that is 2kNFL to me. The fact is that it doesn't matter if its 2k or even EA, if there's a large corporation that lays out that the only soccer game every year, they are just going to put out the bare minimum of a item that will still earn them maximum profits. Any company is going to be more scumy if there is a lot of cash to be made and no competition.

More Mut 20 coins on https://www.mmoexp.com/Nfl-20/Coins.html

  • Červen 26 2020 na 20:41

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