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it such as it's in current WoW Classic

WoW Classic and WoW Classic prior to the expansions aren't the exact same thing. WoW Classic is a remastering of the base sport, not an of a fifteen year old item. Your going to get some modernization to the sake of availability, immersion, and usability. You expect blizzard to support 32 bit advancement? Seriously? People kept there aged center Athalons with two gigs of ddr2. Yeah let's go back to this because"nostalgia". I'm fine with introducing the standard of life changes they created through BC. Wraith of the Lich King is the hand holding took over in full force along with where blizzard lost me.

Debuff limitation was a stupid mechanic that made certain specs unplayable just due to it (which is stupid). If it'd be around me just make it such as it's in current WoW Classic and provide bosses somewhat more HP to compensate fo somewhat more harm (or something similair). 'it will make raids easier.' Okay spoiler for you buddy: Raids are going to be an absolute JOKE. Now you'll get 40 people, probably 30 of them are not complete idiots and people will understand what to do more (and likely less absurd hats because individuals are tryhards today ). Bar the initial raids which will open while people still have to level, all other raids will be removed in a similair timeframe as raids being cleared now (if not faster).

I understand. Play bad graphics in the event that you will, nobody is going to make you do anything you don't want to. I'd really like to see the older Bloom result make a return (even if it's very subpar), but I am not going to induce or limit everyone else to that because I happen to like it. Hook up your CRT monitor and your x850 Pro if you're really that enthused, simply don't yell at me for not doing this too though. I'll be damned if a"purist" is gonna come along and inform me what to use, do, when, and where for no other reason than simply because he preferrs having it a particular way himself.
more in: https://www.mmogo.com/Wow-classic/Gold.html

  • Може 5 2019 при 21:28

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