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I am sure the ability range in epic

That's the answer I was looking for. From the start of WoW I have always had goals while playing. It was for to at least Commander at PvP. Then it was to do each of the raids. In Wrath it became challenging modes and then heroic raids. I did try when it became an option to perform mythic raiding, but at that point I didn't have time in my life to prepare the way I want to for raiding. I've been pleased to do epic raiding. The goals aren't the issue; it's the proportion of time I have to play along with how much is spent on working on those goals how much is invested just having fun. I frankly can not recall the last time I did anything in BfA just for fun.

As an adult using a occupation that is part-time a job, and all kinds of other duties to my family and friends, my playtime is much more restricted than it was. For the most part WoW continues to be adapting for this and has changed to allow for much more restrictive hours of drama. The feeling like I am behind the curve is what is wearing on me. So a lot of the focus is on people who are playing in the highest levels, and it's easy to think they are the baseline. To forget players don't possess their Hearts maxed out today. Or have a bunch of mythic+ gear in gearing from raids, to out holes.

Which all brings me to a simple question, what metrics are raiding that is heroic balancing to? Do a week, they expect raiders also to do multiple mythic + conducts? Do they think by now a guild gets to the second half of this raid raiders will have their own Hearts? I am not sure the argument holds with heroic, although these are the type of things it is reasonable expect from raiders that are mythic. The casual guilds who perform heroic are a bit more relaxed than that, although I am aware there are guilds who do mythic raiding. Transparency in the equilibrium philosophy here will be helpful because it'd help us to know what the expectations are.

I'm not making the debate raiding ought to be easy. In reality, I love the fact the boss in Eternal Palace that is epic is not a total pushover. It is about time the first boss is hard. There's an achievement for clearing heroic when it's current, so yes it needs to be decently hard. However, if epic raiding is really balanced with the expectation of getting all of your Rank 3 essences, all slots onto your Heart open, and mythic+ gear then that metric feels me off. I am sure the ability range in epic is significantly more extensive than it is in fact finding the sweet spot is most likely really difficult.

Check out https://www.mywowgold.com/Wow-classic-Gold.html for more details.

  • Студзень 2 2020 у 00:15

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