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One of my fondest memories from the beginning

It's still fun to look at the cool mounts as well as the gear sets, don't get me wrong. But that's all there Wow TBC gold is now. Things were more vibrant in cata than before. There was plenty of people within the city. People used to chat or play with toys. Now there's silence, and a naked goblin trying to get people to roll their eyes.

This is exactly what I've would have wanted from an MMO I've played. This is exactly what I was looking for in WoW. There is little interaction between people and there's not a community. I've always wanted to play in MMOs because of the community, but they do not live up to my expectations. I'm just at level 18. I haven't left the initial city yet, but I'm thrilled. I can't wait to get to the big places with lots of people!

in the first 20 minutes of this game , I went to an event in the Ul adventure guild. it was a total win for me. after which i can tell it's likely a bards-run program (1 month after) I'm not concerned the fact that it was awesome. I also went to an unplanned queen's concert in Gridania where 3 bards stood for one hour while playing Queen songs, it was fantastic

This is definitely something FFXIV excels at. When I'm not playing the game but am not ready for it to end even though I'm having dinner and waiting to get back into a queue again I'll head over to Limsa because there's always something going on.

One of my fondest memories from the beginning was playing with my irl friends and then getting together with a couple of others who were playing. Following that, we went to Costa del Sol and sat at the beach watching the sun rise, while telling stories and laughing at long jokes. While technically, we were doing virtually nothing in game, it still really stuck with me and was great fun. There aren't many games I've played which perform that.

After my day of playing, I went to Limsa as usual. I was approached by a girl (cuz I'm so small) and they then said they liked my tank-top and then for the next few minutes , we danced around, and then said goodbye. This kind of buy Burning Crusade Classic Gold thing is something that happens all the time in the game, and it's pretty sweet

  • Јули 29 2021 во 21:35

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