Not certain if this really is a forced standpoint because every single steamer basically utilizes runelite, but I'd assume that nearly all non cellular players use it, so why jagex don't just get with the times is beyond me.
The Runescape site says 106k people are around OSRS.
They can not know what customer someone is using. That stat above is obtained by comparing OSRS's total player count with Runelite's player count.Remove spear wall trap in Pyramid Plunder so bots can live longer and ruin the OSRS market faster.Think of this influence that these robots have on the polls.Do they even meet the requirement for surveys thou.The requirements are laughable, therefore probably.This is your voter fraud we're REALLY concerned about.And the one that actually happened.
Probably not because for pp bots they get banned in the day so that they wont meet the total level nor the period reqs before they get banned. Though bots doing things that allow them last longer will be able to that maybe they vote?
Whilst I commend your ability to perform pyramid plunder on 100 clients at the same time, posting on Reddit on your accounts doesn't give it any validity from promoting your spoils to the Black Marketplace (that goes for the 481m you marketed now, also ).
Whilst I commend your ability to comment on 100 posts in the exact same moment, posting on Reddit about your remarks doesn't give it any validity from selling your spoils to the Black Market (that goes to the 481m upvotes you sold today, also ).
OSRS gold
- December 24 2020 at 22:41