It is simply not in the buy wow classic gold cards for some people.
And I am having literally never missed a raid and only 7/8 T2 without ever visiting an xbow drop. Meanwhile, my guild contains four Garr bindings rather than just one Baron binding.
I am full tier two, fang of the faceless w/ +15 agil enchant in 1 hand. . .and a mirah's tune in the other. It happens.
I'm well geared and in a wonderful guild. For casuals who just PUG or chip off in content, the drip crafted equipment is a godsend.Visc is such a PITA that many guilds murdered Ke'Thuzad, then went to kill visc only once to say they did it. . .then never again.
My guild is probably only going to craft it all and then we will skip farming the venom sacs, we'll see how that works out.
Getting your melee/casters stacked with NR really helps reduce the demand for sacs. We've been phasing Visc and never using sacs as a guild, but all our melee went with as much NR gear which they might bring.
Want it? No, but the NR/Stam pieces are extremely nice to swap around for melee on Visc and get rid of any green gear you'd.I spent 3 weeks inventing CH rep when Zg came outside to find the trailoring patterns, but not needed to await phaes 6. Flying down there now to get these.
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- พฤศจิกายน 24 2020 ที่ 22:18