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I then thought perhaps the problem was that I had used Iban's Shadow and Iban's...

I then thought perhaps the problem was that I had used Iban's Shadow and Iban's Ashes in the wrong purchase. I truly couldn't remember which I'd used the Shadow or the Ashes and I didn't know whether the order really mattered. In accordance with two pursuit guides I looked at I was likely to use the Shadow before the Ashes. However, my in-game pursuit list revealed that I must have employed the Ashes first. My pursuit list also showed that I needed to use these two items on the doll. I tried to re-apply the Shadow and the Ashes. I was able to get more Shadow but when I tried to relight the tomb to secure more Ashes I was told"You have collected the ash from the grave."

I've looked all around trusting that the ashes would scout somewhere or on some personality (such as the doll came back in the dwarf Niloof) but have not been able to find them everywhere. I tried dropping the doll, shooting another from the sap. . .but got the exact same result (obtained the Shadow but no Ashes) Is this something that a PM will help me ? How do I contact you? I sent a message into Jagex claiming this may be a glitch in the game but have not heard back in a week. Alright so after last two days I got my 70attk, I attracted my Abyssal Whip, but I was wondering what other gear should I buy so that I could get better bonuses for my stats? So say I needed to have better stat bonuses for attack or strength. What gear should I purchase? I am on a 3 mil budget.

I just got 99 Fletching and during my pursuit I had the notion of getting 99 Woodcutting later Fletching, then get 99 Firemaking. Well, a brand new idea popped up in my mind for a godsword or Saradomin sword. I can't manage a godsword at the moment and I don't want to invest 80% of my cash on the Saradomin sword. I calculated that the profit; 1,232 ( the log price, it climbed. It's about 1.5k now )x how many logs I need for 99 WC, which is about 35K-36K. Ultimately, I will get 44M+, sufficient money to get a SS, Godsword, or even something entirely different. . Baby dragon bones ( BBD's ) are about 900gp-1,000gp, making them not the best but a fast way of creating money. Here are my current objectives, NN means Not Necessarily, meaning it'd be wonderful to have it, but it's not something I would like.

It seems you're limited for a predetermined quantity of trade for each product. After I tried purchasing elemental rune and trading tokul and realized there was a 25k cap for every kind, I was surprised but to my self 25k is a major amount no big deal. Now I was attempting to buy battle staffs, I got 100 on the place but its been 20 minutes and still didn't get any more. Do not tell me perhaps nobody is selling any longer. If there were just 100 in stock I would have gotten them all I sure am not the sole RS player seeking to buy some.

More RuneScape gold information on https://www.winrsgold.com/

  • November 20 2020 at 19:27

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