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This was when they undertook

So MMO developers just keep releasing expansions (seemingly, EverQuest has 26 of them), edging up the level cap each moment, layering on vast shelves of material like the segments of an increasingly precarious and foul-smelling cake. This isn't a big issue in the event that you only take an existing, max-level character through the new content every time, but for brand new players - or serial fresh-starters like yours truly - the path towards the top, and to the most recent stuff, seems increasingly daunting because the game gets older. That, and the bottom layers of the cake, made all those years ago, start to go rancid. It is an issue.

This was when they undertook what has to be the most radical act of transplant surgery I have ever seen in a live match. The Cataclysm expansion rewrote almost all of the levelling content of this original game, overhauling the questing mechanics, improving the storytelling, smoothing the grind. It was a huge undertaking and has been critical to this game's ongoing good health.

Beyond these, there's simply a lot of game to proceed through: literally continents of it. Meanwhile, since the maximum level stretches all of the way to 120, the ever-escalating amounts begin to acquire meaningless, and character progression - which Blizzard has needed to constantly prune back to prevent overwhelming complexity from the course design - is increasingly thinly spread throughout the levelling curve. The first 2018 introduction of level climbing across the entire game, that matched content to a level and also grouped expansions together in circles, allowing you to select your route through the content to some degree, helped a whole lot. Nonetheless, it is still just too much.

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  • Листопад 11 2020 при 20:21

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