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That's the biggest laugh of the all

You do not care. You amuse and entertain and amuse WOW players guild to make Incendius into your party so you may have some server control. Things were great up until you chose to kill 2 servers. How about be a leader and help fix a server rather than piss off and destroy another? A"humble" post on Reddit shouldn't do you some good. You're not a martyr, you're a douche.

What's amusing is that their war didn't even do anything they meant it to be for. They hard nutted on WOW Classicr dad's of the host that the week that they world pvpd. Transfers come out and about 500 of these gamer daddy's are sick of queues and being camped so they move which snowballs, the horde guilds begin leaving one and the writing is on the walls. My guild surfaced because play with a faction that was lifeless. I picked incendius day to get queues and lag. And certainly not to neckbeard.

That's the biggest laugh of the all. All these guilds came to incendius to control. They did their study in our discord. Alliance took the world back. Tribe was a poisonous guild that is shit. Clique was a pve guild. Yang gang proceeded raid logging following carrying many azuregos for themselves and being toxic and broke off by the horde. It had been ununited although 60/40 may be said by it. R and forte were the sole guilds trying for planet pvpd and they were only Zerg guilds.

In comes 3 leading 50 ally guilds and a bunch more basically destroy the power balance farther. Then lowercase, really makes you believe, and that come together and yang gang decides to begin pvping again and it looks like the top guilds are balanced. Then it crazy laggy, queues, bwl wiping and whatnot. But frankly incendius was a gamer dad server where the horde guilds were so far up their own ass that people believe the horde dominated at 60/40. Horde guilds were similar to their particular faction tbh.

This is one of the largest misconceptions of Yang Gang imo. We tried to work collectively with additional horde guilds to secure world bosses, however, the truth is not one of them were prepared to contributing enough. We were always the one's to scout the boss was up, we were the ones coordinating pvp. The truth is that other guilds wanted while they obtained the kill which they did not even work for us to hold off the alliance, therefore we got discouraged cause we fought literally the alliance coalition of guilds on the NA servers. Just when who trasnfered over were presented with a fantastic guild work and to coordinate with us, and also the outcomes of that were that horde were securing world supervisor kills once again.

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  • August 28 2020 at 20:34

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